We know that its uncertain times at the minute and as a club we take your child's safety very seriously. We regularly check guidance from both the government sites and the FA's guidance. On this page we will aim to keep you updated with the latest information. Please see below our most recent FA update:
Question - Should my child play if they are not at school - the answer is NO
If a school has sent someone home to self-isolate, they must do exactly that – stay at home and not come into contact with anyone for the period of self-isolation.
If they are sent home to self-isolate because they have symptoms, they should get a test and must stay at home for at least 10 days (although if the test comes back
negative, they can end their isolation). If they are sent home because they’ve been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, they must self-isolate for 14 days (and only get a test if they subsequently develop symptoms themselves).
For further information about the FA's continuning committment to players safety during this time please click here FA - Rules for returning season
Please keep checkign our website for further updates.